Saturday, 6 August 2011

Home office update in planning

Its official I have finished the family room for now and I think it looks much better (post to come).  Immediately off the family room is the study, which has a wide opening and no doors - and its all I see.  It is not pretty.

See for yourself:

So because I look at it, but hubby uses it, I did the right thing and told him I was going to update it.  Needless to say hubby was not impressed that I was invading his space.

But I wanted to know what his opinion of the space was and to find out what direction he wanted to take.

Q. 1 What do you like about the space?
My Computer
That there is lots of bench space
and lots of room for my books.

(Excuse the blurry picture as it was taken with my phone, but I wanted to show you the abundant bench space... there isn't any???) Any way that's why you need to ask these questions as his idea of bench space and my idea of bench space is quite different.

Q. 2 What don't you like?
It looks messy - not enough storage
The cheap desks

Q.3 What would like to see in this space?
A calender (if he could have anything in the world in his study he would like a calender?? not a beer fridge or spa or disco floor, but a calender, gotta love my hubby xx.)
Somewhere to hide the computer equipment from the kids (our son turns off the computer while hubby is working on it, he he he)

Q. 4 Can I paint the bookshelf?
Yes, I spose so.

Q. 5 What budget do you want to set?
Hmmm not sure

Q. 6 How does $500 sound?
You'll need more than that wont you?
No, I think I can do it for that price.

Q. 7 Its not going to look cheap is it?
Who is asking the questions here?

Anyway, so there you go.  I have the green light and I can't wait to get started.

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